Increase the performance of your business.

Organizations have plenty of data whose volume and complexity is rising at a significant rate, but is the information consistent, accurate and relevant to promote process efficiency and marketing effectiveness? A reliable set of critical and core information or master data is essential for improving business performance. However, in most organizations, critical information is often inconsistent, incorrect or not delivered quick enough due to the fact that information is duplicated, replicated and distributed across multiple systems and often without the ability to obtain the authoritative source of truth.

Master Data Management (MDM) is the key driver for improving business performance. Organizations who have adopted MDM capability have lowered costs by eliminating data duplication, reconciliation activities and reducing redundant IT expenses. They have also seen an increase in revenue by having the ability to forecast and perform analysis using an accurate set of data and reporting thereby lowering risks and improving sales opportunities.

Our team of experts at Y-IM Consulting combines proven experiences to deliver high business value, helping organizations achieve their goals by improving data management through our MDM services.

What we offer

  • Master Data Management Strategy & Roadmap
    • Current state analysis, identify gaps, strategy development, multi-phase roadmap creation
  • Master Data Quality
    • Understand and cleanse the data, re-engineer data management processes
  • Data Stewardship & Data Governance Establishment
    • Establish authority, accountability, roles and responsibilities, define success metrics
  • Technology Requirements Definition, Vendor Evaluation and Selection
    • Assessment of the most fitted software tools and platform based on concrete criteria
  • Master Data Model Design and Implementation
    • Complete implementation of the MDM strategy and roadmap, transition completed solution to internal team for ongoing support and maintenance